You may recall that I mentioned attending a hypnobirthing course in my birth story. I found the class so life-changing in the way it empowered my birth journey, I’m excited to share this interview with the lovely Kerry aka The Hypnobirthing Mum who ran the class!
What motivated you to start your business?
To be honest I kind of fell into working for myself. We had 3 children in under 3 years and when it came time for my youngest to start day-care I just couldn’t imagine the stress of having to get them to day-care early, leave work on time to collect them and having to take time off work when they were sick and having to explain this to my boss. So I decided that working for myself would still allow me to have my children at home with me for 3 days a week but then I could work the other 2 days along with evenings and weekends. When deciding what I was going to do, it just had to be teaching other women hypnobirthing! I had 3 wonderful births with each of my children and I wanted to support other women towards this and show them that birth can be a really positive experience!
What has been the most memorable moment in business?
Just the fact I am doing it and doing something I really believe in! I never thought I would be working for myself especially with 3 young children in tow. From a business point of view all the little things group together to feel like big wins. Not so long ago I wouldn’t have known how to get a business logo designed, how to advertise on Facebook, or build my own website, whereas now I look forward to learning new things and taking on the next challenge. With regards to the most memorable moments from doing my job, without doubt it is when I hear about a new baby arriving and mum telling me the experience was a positive one, regardless of how baby came into the world. For me, births are on a spectrum and we don’t know how or where baby will make an appearance, but how you feel before, during and after the birth can make all the difference about how you then reflect on this major event.

Hypnobirthing course materials (image supplied)
What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?
The biggest challenge for me was taking on all aspects of the business myself. I didn’t have the money to outsource parts of the business at the start so I had to very quickly learn how to do these things. In order to overcome this challenge prioritising the most important things was key so I could focus on them first.
What is the best or most worthwhile investment you’ve made? Could be an investment of money, time, energy or other resource.
The biggest monetary investment I made was in relation to the initial training to be a hypnobirthing and childbirth educator. I researched the various courses available and chose the Hypnobirthing Australia approach. Their training, resources and philosophy is wonderful and I am so proud and confident in the courses I run through them so it was money well spent!
How did you decide to make the investment?
I took the time to research the other hypnobirthing courses available but then ultimately went with my gut – something just felt right about the Hypnobirthing Australia programme and since starting with them my gut decision has been validated time and time again.

The Hypnobirthing Mum course venue
What advice would you give to your 20-, 25- or 30 year old self?
I would tell myself that being a business owner IS for you. Don’t be scared about the prospect of taking the leap and working for yourself, be scared of never taking it and instead always wondering what could have been. As long as you feel passionate about what you are doing and you have a clear purpose about why you are doing it, then go for it!
What have you changed your mind about in the last few years? Why?
I haven’t changed my mind about anything fundamental to my business but my mindset towards it has changed. This change has come about as my business and confidence has grown, and also by having very supportive and inspiring people around me who both motivate me and give me a good balance of constructive criticism and credit where it is due!
What are your morning rituals or any habits you do which set up your day for success?
The evening before a workday I have to get my workspace clean and tidy. I find it very difficult to concentrate when I have clutter around me so this sets me up to start working straight away the next morning and helps me gain momentum for the day ahead.
What is your favourite business book/tool/podcast/resource?
I love watching TedX talks on youtube. Simon Sinek talking about “Start with why” is a favourite, but in general I find that TedX talks are a great way of learning more about business and inspiring my next steps.
What is your secret to juggling family and business?
Juggling a family and business is hard. I am mindful of boundaries and not letting them become so intertwined that neither of them is getting my full attention. Some days I’m still trying to find the right balance!
What’s next for The Hypnobirthing Mum?
I can see that hypnobirthing is becoming an increasingly popular approach to birth so in the short-term it’s supporting more couples and delivering more courses. In the longer-term I would love to gain my own premises and expand my business to include counselling focusing specifically on perinatal and postnatal anxiety and depression. I have also started a second (unrelated) business in Inner West Sydney – –3 children, 2 businesses and 1 husband ought to keep me busy for a while!!!
For course dates and more information, go to The Hypnobirthing Mum